Sophie's Border Collie
How to treat your dogs skin allergy
Sophie’s Border Collie has been suffering from a skin allergy that was caused by flea larvae. She treated the dog with our CritterKleen® ‘Natural Skin Repair’ - a natural animal skin conditioner - and its skin issues improved within days.
Sophie’s feedback after using CritterKleen® ‘Natural Skin Repair’ for a few days:
As we run a Certified Organic business, we are extremely conscious of the products we use. The introduction of CritterKleen® has not only helped clear up the dog's allergy within days of applying the product, but it is a natural product we know will not harm the environment nor have any negative health impacts to the dog. We have now started trialing the product on our other farm animals with great success.
How to tell if your dog is suffering from a skin Condition
Skin allergies are often caused by exposure to fleas/ticks, plants, yard treatment chemicals or detergents that can cause the dog’s skin to become irritated. The signs of skin conditions in dogs can vary widely, just like they do in humans. Common signs that indicate your dog might have a skin condition include:
Frequent scratching
Biting at their skin
Irritation such as redness
Loss of fur
Presentation of hives
Flakey skin
You can prevent your dog from getting skin problems by staying up to date with your flea and tick control. Clean your house and your pets bedding regularly to avoid build-up of allergens such as dust mites. Natural topical treatments like our CritterKleen® ‘Natural Skin repair’ applied can create a protective barrier. If skin problems persist, check in with you vet.